Why you should go the extra mile

(Managing Efforts as a Student, Worker, and a human being)

As a Student

Everyone started as a student. You go to school early in the morning and do schoolwork. The way you earn high merits or grades is, of course, exerting a little more extra effort. Aside from that, There are many reasons why you, as a student, should put more extra effort into your responsibility.

  1. It can help you focus.

Do you feel slacking off on your studies at school? If you think that way, you can add more effort to studying. That action can help you focus like a battery that will energize you. Suppose you do not feel like listening. Look around you. The people around you are exerting efforts to study and listen. You will feel kind of left out or guilty. Wouldn’t it make you do the same as well? Listening carefully will also help you absorb the materials you need to learn. 

  1. You will create better outputs.

When you know you exert extra effort, it is already assured that you will receive a good grade. Things like your assignments, quizzes, and projects. Compared to an effortless output.  Of course, no effort means do not expect rewards. You are passing an output just for the sake of submission. Sounds not great at all. However, let us look at it from a different perspective. You are passing work with effort. You have all the right to expect rewards. You will indeed have better grades as you put more time into finishing, making you produce quality outputs.

  1. It will help you explore new skills.

Imagine you are tasked to draw for your project. You know to yourself that you are not a good artist. Would you just give up? How about giving it a shot? Just trying alone is already a form of effort. And who knows, maybe you are a good artist, or if not, your teacher will know that you did try your best. It is the effort that counts.  There is nothing to lose when you try. If you fail, try again. It is a win-win situation. It’s either you learned a new skill, or you knew your capabilities.

  1. You can motivate your fellow students.

Remember the example earlier? Try looking at fellow students who exert their efforts, which will also affect you. Being hardworking and going the extra mile is always a positive attitude. When you practice those attitudes, people will follow you, Whether you are proud of it or work in silence. Observance alone is powerful enough to flip a coin. When you become a role model, people will proceed to do the same things. They became influenced because you motivated them. Another thing is you will get praise which feels highly satisfying as you know you deserved it.

  1. You will be independent.

When you start giving in efforts, you will be able to discover your capabilities. You will know that you can do this and you have that skill.  Being able to know you can do things by yourself will help you decrease the act of reliance. Being Dependent is you are always relying on others and asking for help. Although asking for help is not a bad thing at all. However, Self-sufficiency is a key prospect of adulthood. I assure you, helping hands are not always present even when you need them the most.

As a Worker

In the stage of adulthood, your main focus is probably on your career. So as a worker, how can extra efforts help your career move forward?

  1. You will finish quality work on time.

When you have heavy workloads, you already feel tired from seeing them. It would just make you feel like you do not want to work. However, you cannot do that. You have someone to support, like your family or yourself.  When you exert efforts, you are also exerting efficiency. The faster you get things done, the more efficient you are.  More effort also equates to quality work outputs. Another is that you will finish things early to have more extra time to rest and bond with loved ones.

  1. You are making value for yourself.

That hard work and going the extra mile can go a long way.  An efficient and hardworking employee will make you a valuable asset to the company. Your peers and boss will surely notice it. A good asset of the company means they are afraid to let you go. You may receive benefits, a raise, or a promotion. Expect to have an excellent long resume. You worked so hard that you have gained many experiences, awards, and good records.

  1. Better opportunities.

Now that you have that excellent and long resume, expect doors to open for you.  Even if you leave the company, you are still as valuable. You would not need to chase opportunities when you are valuable because opportunities will come for you. That hard work and effort in working to make yourself valuable will finally pay off. Better opportunities and a better salary mean a better life.

As a human being

Life does not revolve only around work or studying. Some things are outside of that perspective. After that long hours of studying or working, you have a home to rest in. A life to live. A family to treasure and friends to bond with.  So how can you make efforts for the people you care about?

  1. Give them gifts and letters.

Giving them gifts is a good thing that can make a person’s day happy. If you are financially able, you can buy them gifts. For example, if your mom wants new clothes, you can bring her to the department store. It does not need to be expensive. If you cannot afford gifts, you can give them letters. Some words of appreciation are a way to lift a person’s mood.

  1. Spending time with them

No amount of money can buy time. Even if you have all the money in the world, you cannot buy an additional one second in your life. That is why they say that “time is gold.”  Spend time with your loved ones as much as you can. The efforts

will be genuinely appreciated and noticed because you allotted time to spend with them even if you are busy with work or study.

  1. You try your best to understand them.

Remember, trying is a form of effort. Make sure you listen to them when they want to rant or tell you something. Mouth closed, all ears are wide open. It is hard to listen without reacting. But being all ears is a form of understanding. When it is time to talk, try your best to side with them and comfort them. 

Final thoughts:

Now that you know why you should exert efforts in life, do not hesitate to exert it all.  Always be at your 100%, or if possible, be at your 200%. 

It is their problem and loss if they do not realize your effort. Note that your efforts are for the things that you value in life. So make sure always to make it count. With all that hard work and effort we produced, we became exhausted. It is essential to exert efforts and make time for you to rest and refresh. 

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