why do you keep posting the same video? is it not spam?

any one video is only shown to a very small group of people, maybe 50, or 500 if you have a small account. most of the videos dont go viral. maybe 1 out of every 50 will get more traffic like 20k views.

this means most of your videos are not shown to any one of your fans! so how do you show more of the video to your fans? the answer is either to advertise, or to create more videos. this is why we filmed so many times for the same video (also it can be used for other videos)

this practice is standard (although we are pushing it wayyy over the edge). while you try to improve on the quality, the control levers are really in the quantity, and training/learning sessions. otherwise the company cannot have an overview and control power.

even the same exact video is posted multiple times by reputable organisations like harvard. of course they dont spam, they post it maybe a few months apart. we can do the same too.

after speaking to video creators that created phenomenal videos, i asked them what was their secret or trick? their answer was all the same. they dont know, and they keep improving and keep learning and keep posting.

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